Sunday, November 3, 2013

Things I've Learned - A Reminder

"Life isn't about finding yourself. It's about creating yourself."

I was thumbing through some old papers this week and came across this list. I wrote it when I was on the plane home from my graduate school interview at USF, which would make it about 1.5 years old. Some of these are really great reminders and some of them could be amended with things I've learned since being in Tampa. #15 is still is amazing what just one year can bring.

Things I've learned in Atlanta:
1. Long distance relationships with friends and family take work but are invaluable.
2. It is 100% possible to want to do your job every single day.
3. God does not live in Ohio and is bigger than I will ever be able to understand.
4. I will never get sick of southern winters.
5. Tin Lizzy's is the best choice always.
6. Sometimes, people will have more faith in you than you have in yourself. That is a good thing. But, at some point, you need to decide to listen to them.
7. A 45 minute commute will eventually get old.
8. Follow your dreams. Especially when they match your passions.
9. Never be too tired or too busy for late night phone calls and hang outs.
10. Make time.
11. Let go and let God.
12. Set boundaries and take time for yourself. Take a sick day!
13. Decide to invest in other people. Personally, spiritually, professionally. They could end up being your legacy.
14. Don't care so much.
15. Do not underestimate the length of a year - wait patiently.

Still thankful for that time in my life!

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