Wednesday, June 12, 2013


 "Hospitality is love in action."

I am in the midst of a 6 week internship in Boston. I am thankful for the opportunity - the city is SO fun, I love being able to walk everywhere, I appreciate being able to experience a different institutional environment, and know that this will be a summer that I will always remember. Mostly, though, I am so thankful for the opportunity to meet new people and for the incredible hospitality that I have been shown. 

You know how you are taught the golden rule and that you should always treat people how you wish to be treated? It is always so nice and refreshing when you meet people who take that seriously and are just...nice. I was immediately included in the community here and have been invited by many professional staff members to watch movies, eat dinner, explore the city, etc. I was set-up in an apartment (for free), given a very generous meal plan, offered extra pillows and blankets, and have been shown genuine friendship in just one short week. The students have taken time to ask me questions, to understand my situation, and to educate me on their experiences...knowing that they are much different than my own. Although it has become cliché , that golden rule is so key...and it is so nice when you encounter people that really take it just as seriously as you do.

Their hospitality means the world to me!

The way that people come in and out of our lives is fascinating (another post on that sure to come). It makes my heart happy to think that the people I have met here have left a mark on me forever. I hope I can do the same!

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