Sunday, February 15, 2015

A Starting Over, Of Sorts

I love this little blog. I love it because it's filled with words (my favorite), with thoughts that I've wrestled with, and with what I hope is encouragement. I love it because it helps me process, to get out of my own head, and to engage in conversation. Something I don't love about it? I just can't seem to be consistent!

Since I wrote my last post (October...awful!), I've often thought about writing, but haven't found anything to say. I've said more than once "I just haven't been inspired..." and in this moment, I'm calling my own bluff. The past few months have been FULL of discovery, FULL of trial, and FULL of learning that should have led to incredible joy. I've struuuugggggllleeeddd through change and transition (a theme throughout this space). I've been fully tested on vulnerability,  I've experienced pure, true, exciting love, I've taken trips, found new pizza places, and had conversations with students who are just about to change the world. How can all of that be anything less than inspiring?

So here is what I'm thinking...I'm committing to be inspired everyday. To search for little shiny things in seemingly boring moments. To take note of the extraordinary words and actions from people around me. write about my experiences. To tell stories, to share thoughts, and to write so that I am able to fully realize how wonderful, colorful, and inspiring this life really is.

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