Something about traveling makes me extra reflective. Here is my TPA - CMH brain dump:
My job teaches me a lot every single day. This week, a theme seems to be the idea of resilience. Humans as a whole are incredibly resilient. We persevere through heartache, confusion, and illness. We fight disease and we walk through failure. We work on teams that change, we work on projects that get cut, we get caught in the rain, and through it all, often without thinking, we just keep.on.going. We run marathons, heal from broken bones, and overcome all kinds of loss. We adjust, we fight, and we place one foot in front of the other - no matter how small the step. Have you ever stopped to think about how incredible that is? (Go ahead and do that…) What teaches us to be that way? Some of it is just human nature and the way our bodies naturally function - wild, huh? Physical resilience is nothing short of a miracle but it is something we can only influence. Often we don't hold the control.
What spurs us on though when the more emotional situations occur? Are we intrinsically resilient psychologically? I tend to think that we are not - at least not entirely. I'm learning that it is important to identify what helps you to be this way though. Find out what helps you keep on and make sure to always have it close. Who do you want to call when you've had a stressful day? What is the first thing you want to do when you get home? What hobbies and interests have followed you from one place to another? Those are the things that really speak to our souls and help us to know that if our entire world changed tomorrow, we would make it through.
One of our greatest tools, in my opinion, are relationships with other resilient people. We all need people who can tell from just a "hello" what kind of day we are having. We need people who can remind us how persistent we have been in the past and can reassure us that it won't stop now. Once you find them though, make your thankfulness known and do not let them get too far. These people make us stronger. They lighten our loads and sometimes even carry it for us when it feels too heavy. I guess you could call that resilience in numbers and that is pretty powerful.